Forsaken - WoW guild

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    Warrior dps


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2011-03-20

    Warrior dps Empty Warrior dps

    Post by dumbass Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:29 pm

    Have you read and understood the guild rules, and can you attend raids with our current raid times?:Yes
    Can you listen on Ventrilo?Yes
    Can you speak as well?Yea

    Character name:Squick
    Talent spec(s) you are applying with: Fury/arms

    Raid experience: i have done Zg,aq20,MC,BWL,AQ40 on retail (not all at vanilla)

    Class/spec experience: How much experience do you have with playing the class and spec you are applying with? i have played warrior since wow release. tryed all specs but mostly fury and arms (DPS)


    Why do you want to join Forsaken? I wanna join forsaken because i´m tired of guilds that cant take down more than a few boss´s in aq20/MC + forsaken is insane Smile!

    What kind of person are you? i got humor and i´m friendly. always ready to help other guildies if they need help with something that my insane skills can do Very Happy

    What can you bring to the guild? Yes, we know you can bring another «insert your class and role here» to the guild. But what else? Are you the kind of guy that will help other guild members farm dungeons for items, would you help farm buff consumables for that big upcomming progression raid next weekend, do you have alts that can provide us with crafting items with CDs, anything like that. ofc i´m always ready to help like dungeon farming or material for crafting an item (if no Rl stuff pops). I got mining and engineering if ya need anything from there i can farm/craft it Smile

    Anything you want to add? not really, but feel free to /w me if ya want to know more Smile

      Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 11:20 am