Forsaken - WoW guild

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    Mortipher warrior tank


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-03-14

    Mortipher warrior tank Empty Mortipher warrior tank

    Post by Mortipher Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:06 pm

    Have you read and understood the guild rules, and can you attend raids with our current raid times?: maybe not everyday, but yes
    Can you listen on Ventrilo? yes
    Can you speak as well? yes

    Character name: Mortipher
    Class: Warrior
    Talent spec(s) you are applying with: Tank

    Raid experience: Zul gurub in classic, all TBC raids and none in wotlk, i was a pvper before joining this server =)

    Class/spec experience: i had a warrior on vanilla retail, played for a while as tank

    Location: italy
    Age: 19

    Do you know anyone in Forsaken, and if so, who? Nobody

    Why do you want to join Forsaken? i mostly played pvp because of my commitments, now i want to try the hard pve of vanilla, i like it so much

    What kind of person are you? i am nice, mature and always ready to lend a hand

    What can you bring to the guild? a tank and an healer (lol :V)

    Anything you want to add? i've been playing wow since the beginning, i've no experience about 40 men raid, but i know this game and most of the classes.
    Def: 418/440 hp 4660 unbuffed

    P.s. excuse me for the english.


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-03-14

    Mortipher warrior tank Empty Re: Mortipher warrior tank

    Post by Mortipher Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:04 pm

    after almost a week i guess this is a "no, we have don't like you - we don't have room"

    So good luck, greetings

      Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 12:54 pm