Forsaken - WoW guild

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    Gakure - Mage


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2011-01-16

    Gakure - Mage Empty Gakure - Mage

    Post by Gakure Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:46 am

    Have you read and understood the guild rules, and can you attend raids with our current raid times?: Yes
    Can you listen on Ventrilo? Yes
    Can you speak as well? Yes, most of the time.

    Character name: Gakure
    Class: Mage
    Talent spec(s) you are applying with: Frost - Arcane/Frost (Can go Winters Chill if raid needs)

    Raid experience: In Vanilla i was guild MT half way through AQ40 and played a bit in WOTLk

    Class/spec experience: I dont have a tremendous amount of experience as mage but from my understanding it doesnt take much. Being able to spam Frostbolt as much as possible and have common sense to sheep and not take damage.
    Location: USA - California
    Age: 20

    Do you know anyone in Forsaken, and if so, who? Necrois sent me to apply. He is a cool guy and i have been talkin to him for a while - also did my 30 SP enchant. Smile

    What kind of person are you? I am a very relaxed person but at the same time, very driven. I currently go to college, studying international business with an emphasis in Mandarin Chinese. I love to succeed and face challenges, i push myself and those around me to succeed.

    Why do you want to join Forsaken? I want to join Forsaken because the raid time works well with myy schedule and it seems like the guild is filled with focused and compatant players. AKA people i like to surround myself with.

    What can you bring to the guild? I have a tremendous amount of information about a lot of classes. I was Gladiator 3/4 seasons on both a rogue and warrior in BC. Ive done lots of raiding on Warrior, Rogue, and Druid. Im not one to stand in fire and die to slow down the guild but rather

    Anything you want to add? I have 3 Alliance characters that are 60 and geared. I have lots of connections on both alliance and horde side. My mage is well geared and i am very open to criticism.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 9:46 am